Monday, March 28, 2011

Weight loss Tips part 5 !

Weight loss Tip 13

Participate in a weight loss challenge.

Getting yourself a diet buddy or buddies and setting yourself a 12 week weight loss goal is a great way to lose weight.

Losing weight when you've got someone else to compete against will give you extra motivation and help you to stay on track.

Weight loss Tip 14

Walk for a ½ hour instead of watching TV.

Some people believe that watching TV is a great way to wind-down after a hard day and doing exercise is often the last thing on their minds.

But going for a half-hour or hours walk instead of plonking down in front of the TV can help you de-stress, clear your mind and set you up for a relaxing evening and a great night's sleep.

You can make the walk even better if you take your partner, children or dog with you.

Weight loss Tip 15

Share an entree or dessert with a friend.

Many of us put on weight because we make careless or unconscious eating decisions, like automatically ordering an entree or dessert while at a restaurant.

Most restaurants main meals are already too big and as well as eating them, many of us eat entrees and/or desserts as well.

If this sounds like you, start sharing your entree or dessert with a friend and your waist-line will thank you.

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