Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weight loss tips part 4 !

Weight loss Tip 10

Opt for lighter choices once in a while at restaurants.

Many restaurants have lighter options on their menus these days, some have low-fat options and some have even jumped on the low-carb band wagon and offer low-carb options.

Whenever you're sitting in a restaurant looking through the menu, ask yourself if a lighter option would be a better choice. Where possible choose steamed, poached, boiled or baked foods rather than those that have been fried or deep fried.

Weight loss Tip 11

Try to reduce the Fat, Sugar and Salt in your diet.

Diets high in fat and sugar are typically also very high in kilojoules or calories which when combined with low levels of exercise or activity can contribute greatly to us being overweight.

In addition, excessive levels of fat, sugar and salt in our diets have been shown to contribute to a variety of serious health conditions.

Foods that are 'low in fat' have 3g or less fat per 100g. Drinks low in fat have 1.5ml or less per 100ml.

Foods 'low in sugar' have 5g or less per 100g and drinks low in sugar have 2.5g or less per 100ml.

Foods 'low in salt' have 120mg or less per 100g.

While all the foods we eat won't have levels of fat, sugar and salt as low as this, these measures can be useful when we are comparing food options.

Weight loss Tip 12

Join a gym or hire a personal trainer with a friend.

Joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer with a friend has many advantages.

Foremost among these advantages are that you'll have a workout buddy, who can keep you motivated and keep you company while you get used to the gym environment and exercising regularly, and you'll save money because most gyms and personal trainers offer discounts when you join or train with a friend.

Just be careful to make sure that both of you are as committed to exercise as each other and be prepared for the time when your workout buddy isn't able, or doesn't want to, workout any more or as regularly as you do.

Hopefully by the time this happens (if it happens at all), you'll have made new friends at the gym or enjoy exercising so much that you are motivated and happy enough to do it on your own or find a new workout buddy.

Weight loss tips part 1
The diet solution program!

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