Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Am I Constipated? Constipation Treatments


What constitutes constipation? Well, you are constipated if you have 1 or less bowel movements each day.

Why does this happen?
For several reasons…
It may be that you have just transitioned your eating from one that was NOT “oh so healthy” to your new healthy nutrition plan. Because you are probably, now, feeding your body more fruits, vegetables and natural foods that contain more healthy fiber, your body is trying to get used to it and adjust.
This may not be the only reason you may be experiencing constipation. One of the most common reasons people have a hard time with “number 2″ is that they are dehydrated. If your colon is not absorbing enough water, it will not be able to push the bad stuff out.

You know what happens to this bad stuff? It stays inside you, making you extremely uncomfortable, fatigued, and worst of all…prevents you from losing weight!
Yes, if you have a toxic build up inside your colon, it makes it extremely difficult for your body to absorb nutrients and burn bad fat off your body.

Now those are just 2 of the many reasons you may be experiencing constipation…there are many more. The more important question is how do you tackle this uncomfortable problem?
I am not going to recommend some laxative or even some natural herbal formula. Many of these supplements can be extremely harmful and send you sprinting to the bathroom. Not to mention make it quite difficult to leave the house (imagine drinking way too much prune juice.)

Here are some easy and natural ways you can combat the old Pooping problem:
1. Make sure you are drinking enough water each and every day. How much is enough? You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you need 100 ounces of water (Yes! That much!) You don’t have to start with that amount all at once but make sure you slowly build yourself up to drinking your targeted amount.

2. Add freshly ground flaxseeds to your meals. Fresh flaxseeds can be purchased at most supermarkets and health food stores. I grind mine up in a coffee grinder and have 1 TBSP mixed with water every morning. You can also add your tablespoon to your morning oatmeal, yogurt or even to salads or on top of fruit. Not only will you be increasing your fiber content for the day, you will be adding extra healthy Omega 3′s to your meals.

3. Make sure to include enough raw foods into each one of your meals. No, I am not suggesting you put a raw steak on a plate and eat it. But you should ensure that there is at least 1 raw component to each meal. For example, for breakfast and snacks include some fresh fruit. For lunch and dinner have some raw veggies (cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes). Cooked vegetables are great (I love my sautéed spinach and cooked cauliflower) but you will benefit more from the naturally occurring enzymes in fruits and veggies if eaten raw so make sure to include both cooked and raw into meals.

4. Start each morning with this great “digestive tonic”: 1 TBSP lemon juice in one glass of water with a dash of cayenne pepper. This morning concoction will help to stimulate your bowels and release whatever “bad stuff” may be stuck to your colon walls.
Get started toward total health today!

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