Thursday, May 26, 2011

Linseed oil (The third weight loss ingredients) - GOLDEN OIL FOR YOU

Today, I want to introduce to you the third weight loss ingredient: Linseed Oil.
You must be surprised with the miracle effects of this oil.

Weight Loss effects:
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Increase energy
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Detoxification
Linseed oil is an important component in weight loss foods. It can impact weight loss and improve health. α-linolenic acid in linseed oil is an indispensable quality for health, beauty and slimming. These fatty acids are essential for human body, but can’t be synthesized by the body. They can only be obtained from food. If your waist size has increased, the cause must be lack of Omega-3 fatty acids.

The lack of this fatty acid will make you gain weight. The reason is that your brain has received no signals although you are full, which make you continue to eat, exceeding your body’s needs. Next, your metabolism slows down. Calories which are not fully digested will be deposited in the body.

Having linseed oil, you will feel full for 3-4 hours, which make you eat nothing between two meals. Linseed oil also speed up metabolism, promotes bile fluid secretion, from which the body absorbs the toxins that can be dissolved in the organization of the body to release fat from the body.

Linseed oil is not only an ideal food for people who lose weight, but also work to make brain healthy, improve thyroid’s and adrenal gland ‘s activity, regulate hormone balance, strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol, keeping blood and nerves healthy. Omega-3 acids in linseed oil can generate different cell membranes to ensure that the normal secretion of insulin and stablize blood sugar levels. Omega-3 fatty acids protect rectal cells from cancer-causing toxins, thereby reducing the rate of rectal cancer. Linseed oil is also used to beautify the skin, smooth hair, strengthen nails.

So, you must understand the importance of linseed oil now. They can be called “golden oil”. You are not afraid of being fat any more. A little linseed oil when cooking will not only help you to lose weight but also keep you young and beautiful.

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