Sunday, May 22, 2011

Six Weight Loss Ingredients: The First one: Apple Cider Vinegar

All six Weight Loss ingredients introduced below are indispensable for people who lose weight successfully.
Slimming process is conducted in three stages. The first stage is the detoxification stage (lasting two weeks). The second one is to keep losing weight. The final stage is a good eating habit (lasting for ever). All three stages must be based on Six Weight Loss Ingredients so as to promote all its miracle effects. General effect of these six weight loss ingredients will restore the operational capability of the liver, make the accumulated fat in the thighs and buttocks quickly discharged, you will be able to create an ideal body figure

The first ingredient which I want to introduce today is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Weight Loss Effects
- Raise the body temperature
- Deodorize
- Reduce Cholesterol
- Increase energy

Apple cider vinegar can help to drain excess fat, promote metabolism, is an extremely good fat-consumption raw material. According to a recent study from the University of Arizona, drink a half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar after a meal could consume about 200 calories of heat.

The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which has high nutritive value, and has been proven to promote the process of metabolism.
In apple cider vinegar also there are many other nutrients that promote the chemical balance in the body. A researcher at the University of Sydney have discovered: using vinegar in your daily diet can reduce blood sugar by 30%. Acids in apple cider vinegar can make food retained longer in the stomach and then slowly went into the small intestine and blood. Thus, sugar (carbohydrate) will be relatively digestion, thereby reducing blood sugar and eating under control.

The composition of potassium in apple cider vinegar can help to transport nutrients into cells and discharge toxins. Carotene in apple cider vinegar substances can rid the cholesterol in the blood. In addition, enzymes and amino acids which can be found in apple cider vinegar can promote the growth of useful proteins.
Apple cider vinegar has other uses such as to clean and strengthen the digestive tract, promote circulation, reduce joint pain and sore muscles, skin beauty.

I have talked to you about miracle effects of Apple Cider Vinegar. You must be eager for having one box of Apple Cider Vinegar now. Next time, I will write about how to prepare and use ACV, a few tips and some interesting stories about it.

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