Saturday, June 18, 2011


What do you know about Linseed? Today i am going to tell you all about it's weight loss effects!


Weight loss effects: reducing cholesterol, detoxification, stabilization of sugar on blood.

Linseed was used since ancient times, it’s Latin name is Linum usitatussium which means “the most useful fruit”.  A small seed, brown, does not look very good, but jute contains many fat acids Omega-3 and other substances that can improve your health. That’s why people all over the world call it “treasure”.

Linseeds are a little bit bigger than sesame seeds, sweet. 40% of the jut seed is oil, the first important source of ALA (flaxseed acid). This substance is the fat acid which is necessary for your metabolism; jute seed also contains plant growth hormone for anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and hormonal balance.
As it was proven, jute seed contains plant growth hormone that can reduce insulin resistance, has positive effects with the hormonal regulation, can prevent breast cancer. This point of view is widespread in USA, where people have problems with insulin secretion which are early symptoms of diabetes type II, so probably jute seeds can prevent diabetes.

When linseed contacts with water, it becomes soften, it cleans intestinal tract and regulates it. Xenluylo (fiber) can dissolve in intestinal tract and helps you not to absorb sugar or cholesterol too much, reduce the level of cholesterol.
In one coffee spoon of jute seeds contains 5g xenluylo which can prevent constipation. Also cyanic hydride acid in jute seed can fasten metabolism. So we can use it to lose weight!

1 comment:

Tonie Tonn said...

Mostly oils cause severe health issues to human body. As fat increases, there should be proper excercise to be done to burn this fats. The more fat is generated the more work should be done to get rid those excess fat. There is a drug called Phentermine which helps reduce fats with less time spending in gym. For further information Check: Phentermine Home'