Thursday, May 26, 2011

Linseed oil (The third weight loss ingredients) - GOLDEN OIL FOR YOU

Today, I want to introduce to you the third weight loss ingredient: Linseed Oil.
You must be surprised with the miracle effects of this oil.

Weight Loss effects:
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Increase energy
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Detoxification
Linseed oil is an important component in weight loss foods. It can impact weight loss and improve health. α-linolenic acid in linseed oil is an indispensable quality for health, beauty and slimming. These fatty acids are essential for human body, but can’t be synthesized by the body. They can only be obtained from food. If your waist size has increased, the cause must be lack of Omega-3 fatty acids.

The lack of this fatty acid will make you gain weight. The reason is that your brain has received no signals although you are full, which make you continue to eat, exceeding your body’s needs. Next, your metabolism slows down. Calories which are not fully digested will be deposited in the body.

Having linseed oil, you will feel full for 3-4 hours, which make you eat nothing between two meals. Linseed oil also speed up metabolism, promotes bile fluid secretion, from which the body absorbs the toxins that can be dissolved in the organization of the body to release fat from the body.

Linseed oil is not only an ideal food for people who lose weight, but also work to make brain healthy, improve thyroid’s and adrenal gland ‘s activity, regulate hormone balance, strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol, keeping blood and nerves healthy. Omega-3 acids in linseed oil can generate different cell membranes to ensure that the normal secretion of insulin and stablize blood sugar levels. Omega-3 fatty acids protect rectal cells from cancer-causing toxins, thereby reducing the rate of rectal cancer. Linseed oil is also used to beautify the skin, smooth hair, strengthen nails.

So, you must understand the importance of linseed oil now. They can be called “golden oil”. You are not afraid of being fat any more. A little linseed oil when cooking will not only help you to lose weight but also keep you young and beautiful.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some useful tips about Cranberry- A perfect food which helps weight loss

Recommended amount:

People should drink a cup of Pure Cranberry juice without sugar daily, which will help them much to lose weight as well as live healthy.

Some useful tips:

1.       When buying Cranberry, you had better select the fruit skin stretch balls, fresh color and ripe.
When buying Cranberry juice, you have to read the label carefully. The words inscribed on it will show clearly their constituents. While there is clearly "no sugar" on the package, but for added sweetness, sometimes manufacturers put more apple juice or grape juice. Cranberry should choose to buy pure juice or 100% without sugar so as to get the best fat-burning composition.

2.       If you keep plastic bags when buying, Cranberry can be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 months, for 8-9 months in the freezer. Before using, opening the plastic bag, taking it into the tray in the refrigerator, you can keep it fresh for another month.

3.       Processing excessively will make Cranberry taste bitter. So, you should cook until the fruit burst.

4.       When using cranberry or cranberry juice for food processing, you must use the container made from stainless steel, ceramic or plastic so as not to generate a chemical reaction. Using iron, copper or aluminum ones will generate the chemical reactions, which make the food taste and dark metal.
Good examples

There are some women whose bodies have been typical pear, their thighs and buttocks protrude. But they have almost perfect figure now, with straight and muscular thighs. The reason is that they started to follow diet when going to high school and keep it now. They consider that drinking Cranberry juice daily is very useful. After 1-2 weeks drinking Cranberry Juice, they felt dramatic change. Now, they seem to be addicted to it. They feel missing the cool feeling of drinking this kind of juice whenever not drinking it enough.

More information about Cranberry

During colonial period, Cranberry was used as medicine, natural dye and considered to be a symbol of peace.

Cranberry is now a special kind of American fruit, the harvest is in every October, nearly 300 thousand tons of output.

Pure cranberry juice without sugar contains highest oxidation components in citrus products category. 

In short, you should not hesitate to have one bottle of Pure Cranberry Juice if you want a healthy body and perfect figure.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cranberry: the second Weight Loss Ingredients

Today, I start to share some knowledge about Cranberry – not only an American Cuisine which grows in Massachusetts and New Jersey but also a top ingredient which helps to lose weight. 

Cranberry has three main weight loss effects: diuretics, detoxification and cholesterol- reducing. Pure Cranberry Juice without sugar is one of the luxury weight loss foods.

Many recent researches have continuously demonstrated: Cranberry can effectively help heart disease and arteriosclerosis prevention. A researcher at the University of Danish Industry has compared the useful components in the two types of juice are Cranberry and strawberry, and he has found Cranberry better. Cranberry Juice has very effectively anti-oxidant whereas nutrients in strawberries is mainly sugar (carbohydrate). Other research works have demonstrated: cranberry may kill bacteria causing gingivitis in the oral cavity. Cranberry can kill bacilli in the pyloric twisted to protect your stomach.

In summary, from the useful effects above, we can say that cranberry fruit is valuable. In addition to reducing fat, it also has other uses. Pure cranberry juice will be absorbed immediately. It will disinfect and detoxify the liver, providing anti-oxidant enzymes and vitamin C to strengthen organizational links.

Now, you may have Cranberry daily to have both fitness and health.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar: Processing and Using

How easy to make some apple cider vinegar!
What you have to do is to keep fresh apple juice for some weeks at room temperature. After that, you have to ferment it and can enjoy apple cider vinegar. A good recommendation for you: If you have no time to do above things or simply do not want to do it, you can buy some. ACV can be found in any super market all around the world.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Dosage: Two teaspoons per day, mixed with water or used in food.

1.      1.  Mix a teaspoon of ACV with a cup of water to drink

2.       2. Before cooking, fish laced with apple cider vinegar and spices can make the meat tender and delicious.
3.       3. Egg white mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar then fried dish is a delicious, crispy, spongy.

4.       4. Beam with vinegar and bacon flavors, for a night can make the meat taste better

Someone mix apple cider vinegar with sesame oil, making salad oil which can be used daily so as to help you to lose 12 kg for only 3 months.

Some tips
When buying apple cider vinegar, you must select the type of vinegar which is not filtered and the organic removal, and must compete to use the directions carefully, because only a handful of outlets that have apple cider vinegar

In the apple do not add other substances or substances against damage. Do not worry about bacteria such as colon bacilli will affect apple cider vinegar, because acid in the vinegar will kill them.

Good Apple Cider Vinegar has dark brown color, and cloudy qualities. A bottle of natural apple cider vinegar will rise above a membrane. These are the edible protein, commonly known as vinegar glaze. If the vinegar is fermented apple cider vinegar, the vinegar that's good, it is pure natural vinegar.

Organic apple cider vinegar odor pungent nose stormed.

Additional Stories
In 400 BC, Hippocrates father of medicine profession has pointed out: apple cider vinegar work detoxifying, healing and antibacterial.

When bathing, use apple cider vinegar can regulate the pH balance of the skin and black hair.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Six Weight Loss Ingredients: The First one: Apple Cider Vinegar

All six Weight Loss ingredients introduced below are indispensable for people who lose weight successfully.
Slimming process is conducted in three stages. The first stage is the detoxification stage (lasting two weeks). The second one is to keep losing weight. The final stage is a good eating habit (lasting for ever). All three stages must be based on Six Weight Loss Ingredients so as to promote all its miracle effects. General effect of these six weight loss ingredients will restore the operational capability of the liver, make the accumulated fat in the thighs and buttocks quickly discharged, you will be able to create an ideal body figure

The first ingredient which I want to introduce today is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Weight Loss Effects
- Raise the body temperature
- Deodorize
- Reduce Cholesterol
- Increase energy

Apple cider vinegar can help to drain excess fat, promote metabolism, is an extremely good fat-consumption raw material. According to a recent study from the University of Arizona, drink a half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar after a meal could consume about 200 calories of heat.

The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which has high nutritive value, and has been proven to promote the process of metabolism.
In apple cider vinegar also there are many other nutrients that promote the chemical balance in the body. A researcher at the University of Sydney have discovered: using vinegar in your daily diet can reduce blood sugar by 30%. Acids in apple cider vinegar can make food retained longer in the stomach and then slowly went into the small intestine and blood. Thus, sugar (carbohydrate) will be relatively digestion, thereby reducing blood sugar and eating under control.

The composition of potassium in apple cider vinegar can help to transport nutrients into cells and discharge toxins. Carotene in apple cider vinegar substances can rid the cholesterol in the blood. In addition, enzymes and amino acids which can be found in apple cider vinegar can promote the growth of useful proteins.
Apple cider vinegar has other uses such as to clean and strengthen the digestive tract, promote circulation, reduce joint pain and sore muscles, skin beauty.

I have talked to you about miracle effects of Apple Cider Vinegar. You must be eager for having one box of Apple Cider Vinegar now. Next time, I will write about how to prepare and use ACV, a few tips and some interesting stories about it.