Friday, September 16, 2011

Does your belly hurt? This may be why…

As you may or may not know, things over here at the Diet Solution are always super busy (but that’s a good thing right?) Busy or not, one of my highest priorities every day is listening to my readers.
We read every single comment, email, and question that comes our way. It’s the best way I know to make sure that I’m always giving you the information you want and need.
Yes…we get plenty of specific food questions. But you know what else we get a lot of?
Digestion questions!
Oh yes…from food combining, to gas and bloating and even the taboo topic of constipation. While most of my readers have seen incredibly positive changes in their digestion when changing to the DSP way of eating, there still have been those who have gone through a bit of an adjustment period where their stomachs and intestines are yelling…
“Huh? What happened to the chips and sugar? What is this…fiber? What am I supposed to do with this?”
Remember, if you’ve been feeding your body the not so go stuff for many years, it may take a few days, even a few weeks for your body to clean out the bad stuff and let the good stuff nourish your body the right way.
But digestion issues can be a real pain…literally. There’s nothing worse than a bad stomach ache or gas and bloating (especially when you’re out in public…just not cool) and the worst of all…constipation…painful and uncomfortable to say the least.
I could write an entire book on constipation alone and have written several newsletters about it, but I just got done reading a very helpful report on how to improve digestion and intestinal health by a friend of mine – Yuri Elkaim. I met Yuri at a conference several months back and realized right away that we both follow many of the same non-conventional principles when it comes to nutrition. He had some pretty interesting information when it came to digestion and told me he would send me some more info.
In fact, he’s allowed me to share it with you and my other subscribers – for free! (something he’s never done before!)
This 27-page report reveals 9 powerful techniques to improve your digestion so that you can combat that bloated, gassy, and tired feeling, and even how to not feel excessively full after a meal ever again. (I personally loved the 3 Quick References Guides he’s provided – makes these principles so easy to remember and apply).
He also discusses
  • how to end constipation for good.
  • how to combine your foods for maximum nutrient absorption (a topic I myself am still learning a lot more about and appreciate his input on the subject).
  • 3 specific nutrients that will keep your colon squeaky clean (and healthy).
  • how to prevent (or overcome) 2 “intestinal” conditions that you may not even know you have.
  • and so much more!
The report is a quick 10-15 minutes read, there’s no fluff, just great usable information:
Enjoy and I’ll be back tomorrow with some more great digestion info for you!

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