Friday, July 22, 2011

This is the Best Way to get toned legs, abs, and arms

I’m going to get right to the point today because I’ve got so much great information to share with you in this newsletter, I want to get right to it.

Almost daily I receive hundreds of emails from readers asking me,
“Isabel, I am following such and such workout. Here’s exactly what I do.”
That’s usually followed by every full detail of their current workout program. The exercise program given may each be different, but the ultimate question is always the same…
“Is this workout going to give me maximum fat burning results?” or better yet, in their own words
“Is this workout going to get rid of my fat?!”
The information I’m about to give you (and yes there is a ton of it) is going to be specifically targeted to the ladies. So fellas, if you’re reading this, please, please, pass this on to any woman in your life that is currently frustrated with their current workout program. Trust me, they will thank you!
Ladies, below I am going to give you an easy, step by step guide that you can follow to be sure you are getting the best results from your workout program.
I know, I know…there’s so much information out there. How do you decipher through it all? I promise the sequence below will help tremendously.
First and foremost, I have to say that the biggest mistake I see most women making in their exercise programming is jumping from one thing to another without any rhyme or reason to why they’re doing what they’re doing. The second biggest mistake is following a “bodybuilder” type program that will only make you big and bulky, not sexy and lean (NO big and bulky for me, thanks!)
Every woman’s starting point is not the same, so use the guide below to figure out exactly where you are and how you should be training at this point in time.
Most workout programs are broken down into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. I particularly hate these classifications because they are very relative and what is advanced to one person, may be intermediate to someone else. I like to use the following stages instead.
Stage 1 – “Building the Foundation”
You are in the “Building the Foundation” stage if you are new to exercising. Where should you begin? Should you just pick up the weights and go for it? Definitely NOT! This will just lead to frustration and injury and will cause you to abandon your program before you can even experience results.
If you are new to the exercising game, especially weight training, here are the movements I want you to master:
Squat, Lunge, Pushing, Pulling and Twisting
Sound basic? Well that is the point…mastering the basics! A perfect example of a building the foundation exercise program would be…
Perform all exercises back to back with minimal rest. Rest 1-2 minutes after the entire circuit and then repeat 2 more times
1. Bodyweight Squats – 15-20 reps
2. Bodyweight Lunges – 8 each leg
3. Modified Pushups (on knees) – 10-15 reps
4. Assisted Pullups – 10 reps
5. Medicine ball or Dumbbell Woodchop – 10 reps each side (keep the weight light)
The workout above is absolutely perfect for building a strong foundation to work from and will ensure that you do not jump into a more complex workout that may cause you injury without being prepared.
Stage 2 – “Achieving Fitness”
This is where you build upon the basics and begin to perform more complex movements, using the same exercises in your Stage 1 plan, but now you are making modifications in reps, weight and complexity of the movements.
Here’s an example plan (follow the same instructions as your stage 1 program):
1. Dumbbell Squats – 15 reps
2. Walking Lunges – 10 each leg
3. Pushups on your toes – work up to 10 total
4. Assisted Pullups – 15-20 reps
5. Woodchop using a cable machine – 10 reps each side at a challenging weight
Although both programs look very similar, the intensity is significantly different and you will be able to achieve a greater level of fitness with the complexity and increased reps of the second program.
Stage 3 – “Getting Ripped”
I hate to say this, but most people, especially women, will never achieve this level. No, no I’m not trying to be mean or condescending here, but the reality is many people are just not willing to put in the work that it takes to see their six pack, see ripped lines in their legs and see cuts in their arms.
Is it possible? Yes, of course it is. Is it possible for you? Yes, most definitely! And I don’t ever want to hear anyone say it isn’t possible for them because I have seen obese people, mothers with several children and ex-couch potatoes get bodies they never dreamed were possible.
Exactly what does it take to get there?
It takes a real dedication to your workout program. It takes a commitment to exercise at least 4 or 5 times each week. And it takes a real WANTING to see that lean and toned body in the mirror.
What does a sample workout look like? Well, I am going to let my good friend Flavia DelMonte tell you exactly what it takes and how she achieved the incredible physique she has today. I have to say, Flavia has really got this figured out and if you want to get that head turning body that only very few women are able to achieve, Flavia has got the formula for that.
Flavia’s story is absolutely fantastic and the way she came up with this “no fail” approach is nothing less than incredible. She shares all of that with you plus and most importantly, how you can achieve the same results.
Stay tuned tomorrow for a detailed look into a sample workout that is definitely a “Stage 3 – Getting Ripped” workout.

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