Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Diet Solution Program By Isabel - Protein Tips

Do You Have a Mint?


 Bad breath can be a big problem (especially if you’re the one smelling it!) It can cause embarassing moments and bad first impressions. That’s why so many people chew gum. In fact, according the US Census Bureau, Americans eat about 1.8 pounds of gum per capita each year. That may not sound like a lot but think about the size and weight of one piece of gum.

Gum chewing studies have shown many bad effects, such as bloating and hormone and biomechanical imbalances, as well as the habit leading to bruxism and acid reflux ulcers. Many have educated themselves and moved on to mints, but is this any better? After all, most mints are made with artificial sweeteners, so they can claim to be fat free or calorie free. I understand the necessity for fresh breath in a pinch. Most people don’t carry around their tooth brush or mouth wash for a quick refresh. That’s why I’ve come up with several good options, in order from best to worst:

1. Peppermint Breath Drops or Peppermint Essential Oils – Many natural health food stores and anyone who carries essential oils would have these.  One drop is pretty strong and enough to freshen your breath.  Peppermint is also great for digestion.

2. Mouthwash or teeth brushing after meals – I know this isn’t ideal but it is a good option if you have time.

3. Mints or candies that are sweetened with cane sugar instead of artificial sweeteners.  There are even small ginger candies that are not only great breath fresheners but also help after meals with digestion.

4. Gums or mints sweetened with xylitol – This sweetener is a great calorie free option and many popular brands use this ingredient. Careful as some people have trouble digesting xylitol and can lead to stomach discomfort.

5. A piece of regular chewing gum sweetened with sugar. The caloric content many be a little higher, but you are only having a small bit. This is not ideal if you are trying to lose weight and plan on using this option on a daily basis.

And the last possible option is a small piece of artificially sweetened gum every now and then.  The amount in one piece every once in a while is not enough to amount to any dangerous affects.
Get started on your own personal fat burning meal plans right away with The Diet Solution Program.

The Best Fat Burning Pills That Do Not Exist!


Back in the day when I was still struggling to lose weight and getting totally desperate to see any kind of results, I fell into the same “quick fix” trap that I still see people falling into now. I tried every last extreme diet out there and I even resorted to dangerous fat burning pills…all in an effort to drop even just a little bit of weight…something, anything…I just didn’t want to be fat anymore.

In my own defense (if I don’t defend myself who will?), I didn’t quite know back then how dangerous these pills were…at least not as much as I know now. I just figured so many other people were taking them and they were sold at the local store, they must be safe, right? Definitely NOT!

Here was the problem (for me and maybe for you too). We all want to see results and we want to see them NOW! Not only do most of us (myself included) lack patience in many areas of our lives (yes, get it to me yesterday) but sometimes when we don’t see results in an instant, we lose steam, we give up, we just figure it’s impossible.

Now, I’m not going to turn this into a Tony Robbins, self development, “You can do it” speech. But what I am going to tell you is that if you’re looking for a quick fix to weight loss, fat burners are NOT the answer.
I could go on and on and tell you all the dangers associated with many of these pills…potential heart attack and damage to the heart, hormone disruption, stroke, permanent damage to your metabolism…but I think at this point many people are well aware of how dangerous these pills can be. We’ve all seen the unfortunate news reports of people dying from these pills…it’s just awful.

What I do want to share with you are some “safe”, quick ways to get your fat burning engine cranking. Yes, healthy eating and exercise are always the answer, but sometimes we need just a bit more to get the ball rolling.
Here are some of my own strategies that anybody can implement safely for accelerated fat loss results:

1. Eliminate Wheat and Dairy for 2 weeks or more. I know, I know…this should be the Isabel theme song. I know I remind you of this all the time, but the truth is, it works! Most wheat and dairy products will cause an inflammatory response in your body (without you even realizing they are the cause) and make it really difficult, sometimes impossible to see fat even budge off your body. Wheat products include most breads, cereals, crackers, and pastas. Dairy includes milk products and cheeses. Eggs are ok and in many cases and butter is ok as well and will not stop the fat burning process.

2. Eliminate all grains for 2 weeks or more. Holy Isabel is getting a bit carried away here. Look I’m just telling you what works. And if you have to get into a bikini in a few weeks, your high school reunion is right around the corner (and your ex-boyfriend will be there!), or you just want the pounds to come off faster, I highly suggest going “grain free” until you reach your desired weight. NO, I’m not saying grains are unhealthy. I’m just saying sometimes fat loss will be more accelerated without them. Grains include rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa and spelt. All healthy, yes, but a few weeks without them will help your body shed fat faster.

3. Add lemon to your water. Lemon is a wonderful detoxifier to the liver. And since the liver is your “fat burning” organ, we want it always working at optimum. Keep your liver squeeky clean, by not only eliminating processed foods and toxic substances from your eating plan but also by giving it a good cleaning with some fresh lemon. You can also add some cayenne pepper to your drink as well and that will help to get your bowels moving (if the food is not finding its way out, weight loss will be much slower).

4. Eat your fruit servings before 4pm. Again, another wonderful food group that I am in no way saying is “bad” but you may see increased fat loss results by eating your fruit with breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch and then sticking to veggies for your mid afternoon snack and dinner. Raw carrots and peppers are great with almond butter in the afternoon and a piece of steak or salmon over sautéed greens and a side salad is a great dinner. You will then still get in your fruit servings for the day but will have had them much earlier in the day.

There are many tactics and strategies that you can try before resorting to something dangerous like taking fat burning supplements that will work when you stick to them. Take action on the above 4 steps and walk onto the beach or into that high school reunion feeling and looking great. And if you’re lucky, your EX doesn’t subscribe to my newsletter and he’ll be wondering why he ever let you get away.

Burn fats now with The Diet Solution Program

What Supplement is Right for You?


You know if I had a nickel for every time somebody asked me “Isabel, what supplements should I be taking?”, I swear, I’d be rich (and lying on the beach in Bermuda right now…or the Bahamas…I’m not picky.)

People are so confused and, sometimes, a bit too hung up on the supplement thing. Many times they are missing the big picture.

There’s really no sense in overloading your body with a bunch of pills if you are not following the essential principles of healthy living. You would be better off focusing your efforts on getting your eating plan and your exercise regimen under control before worrying about which supplements do what or which ones may give you a “quick fix” to anything…comprende?

Now with that being said, I do agree that there are some supplements that we can be taking that do add great benefit to any meal plan (and some even help burn fat..good news right?)

That’s why I’ve decided to dedicate the next several newsletters to answering your most pressing questions about a handful of the most popular supplements out there (some good, some bad).
Most of you already know that I am a big fan and a big proponent of taking a fish oil supplement each and every day. The benefits of a high quality fish oil are endless (as I’ve written about in the FATS chapter of your Diet Solution Manual) and really should be a part of anyone’s nutrition plan…women, men, children…everyone.

I also think we can all benefit greatly from ingesting enough antioxidants each day. And if you are not getting them from food, you’ll need to supplement for those as well. Just in case you missed it, I explain the benefits and power of antioxidants as magical foods here.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Favorite Ways to Eat Nut Butters


Here are some of my favorite ways to use different nut butters…

1.        Almond Butter with apple sauce with cinnamon sprinkled on top – a great after dinner snack if you’re looking for something sweet.
2.       Almond or Walnut Butter on pretty much any fruit.  My new favorite is almond butter on fresh figs…yummy!
3.       Nut Butter and Apple Butter Sandwich – one of my favorite on-the-go breakfast options.  I use 1-2 tbsp of nut butter and 1 tbsp of apple butter on 2 slices of sprouted grain bread and out the door I go.
4.       Cashew Butter on celery sticks – add a few raisins for a little sweet taste.
5.       Walnut Butter in oatmeal – I mix the walnut butter right into my warm oatmeal.  Sometimes I add 1 tsp of honey as well.
All of these options are a great way to get a ton of healthy fats, especially Omega 3’s, into your daily meal plans.

Healthy Restaurant Eating


Healthy restaurant eating is possible and can be much easier than you think.  If your schedule has your traveling a lot or opting for take out often, use the ideas below to stick to your healthy meal plans while still enjoying your meal out.

Here is my plan of attack whenver I am on vacation, traveling for business or just in a situation that has me ordering out more than I am able to cook.
I do what I call “damage control”: Do the best I can, with what I’ve got and have an awesome time on my trip!
Prepare my “emergency kit”. I will pack and take with me: walnuts, almonds, almond butter, organic turkey and beef jerky, apples and pears. None of these need refrigeration so they will keep well wherever you are. If I’m in a situation where there is no protein handy (like when it’s time for a snack), I’ve got my nuts and jerky to tie me over. If you don’t have something handy, you just may find yourself grabbing pretzels and potato chips (or whatever other horrid food people eat while away).

There is always a protein on the menu, no matter what. Omelets, or smoked salmon are my favorite choices but I’ve even gone to places that now carry turkey bacon and turkey sausage on the menu. Stay away from the heavy and deadly pancakes and waffles. This is a blood sugar disaster waiting to happen. Eating a sugar loaded breakfast like this will only set you up for hunger and cravings the rest of the day. And, just may ruin an otherwise great day.

Lunch and Dinner
I have said this before. Most of us know what is healthy on the menu but we still continue to order the crappy stuff. Yes, I do believe in a treat and a cheat meal once or twice a week, but definitely not every night of your vacation. Some people eat and choose items off the menu like they are being sent to starvation camp when they get home. This is not an “all or nothing” deal. You’ve committed to eating healthy for a lifetime. Don’t worry. The food will always be there whether you eat it all at once or space it out over a lifetime.
Ok, back to my point. First, items on the menu that you know are drenched in heavy sauces are an instant No-No. Fettuccine Alfredo? Come on now. Are you serious? Can you get the steak, veggies and salad instead and be just as happy? Or, the Chicken Cacciatore with a side of broccoli rabe? (Yes, we’re at an Italian restaurant). Often times, our taste buds are really just as happy with a healthier choice. No, this is not deprivation. This is choosing to feel good, be healthy and eat good food at the same time. Comprende?

I love desserts too and I will definitely get myself a yummy piece of apple pie or chocolaty treat while I am away. But if the piece of dessert is bigger than the size of my head, I will not eat the whole thing. There is no need. My taste buds are just as happy with a few bites (and my body is happier too). Remember, we’re not going to starvation camp after this. Trust me, there is enough apple pie, chocolate or (insert your favorite dessert here) to have a small amount at a time for the rest of your life.

The Trolls
The who? Yes, you know who the trolls are. Those people who tell you to “just eat what you want”, or “don’t torture yourself”. These people always seem to come out of hiding when dining with you at a restaurant. (They are also present at parties and family functions. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid). Don’t let anybody else tell you that taking care of yourself and feeling great is a bad thing. I don’t mean to talk bad about your family and friends, but chances are they are not too thrilled with their current weight and health and really just upset that you actually started to eat healthy and take control of your life.
Remember, there is no need to avoid restaurants and vacations (but please do avoid fast food joints). You just need to focus on the healthier options and have a great time!

Coconut Oil can help you Lose Fat


Coconut Oil is a wonderful healthy food that has been shown to increase metabolism and assist in burning unwanted fat off your body.  It is a wonder food that has been around for centuries and a great addition to any fat burning meal plan.

Unfortunately, some people have a really hard time believing that coconut oil is not “fattening” or “dangerous”. We have all been falsely led to believe that fat, especially saturated fat, is the cause of our weight gain and health problems. This is only true half true. Some fats like hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils do contribute to heart disease and weight gain but good fats like coconut oil, butter and olive oil are actually great fats for our bodies. Think about how much healthier people were in the late 1800’s and very early 1900’s. Heart disease was almost unheard of back then.

Let’s put some of these MYTHS about coconut oil to rest right now.

Myth #1 – Coconut Oil contains a lot of fat so it must be fattening.

Truth – Not all fat makes you fat (I want to get this tattooed on my forehead). Certain fats do cause weight gain but other good fats will actually burn unwanted fat off your body and accelerate your metabolism.

Myth #2 – Coconut Oil contains almost all saturated fat so it must be bad for you.

Truth – Saturated Fat is not the cause of heart disease, weight gain and high cholesterol. Saturated Fat has been falsely accused and it is SUGAR that is Enemy Numero Uno (It is worse than the Joker in Bat Man).
(To read more details about how fats can be healthy and the history of dietary fats, read Butter: Good Fat or Bad Fat?)

Myth #3 – Coconut Oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease

Truth – The fat in coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume (yes, even for those with heart disease). It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and contains no trans fat. The saturated fat in coconut oil is different than many other oils in that it is of the medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) variety. The body digests MCFAs more easily and sends these fats directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Now isn’t that great? A fat that is used to make energy instead of storing it on our bodies. We can all use some of that.

I highly recommend everyone use unrefined, organic coconut oil for all of their cooking needs. 1 – 2 tsps for most cooking is more than enough. You can even use it raw if you like as I think, it tastes OH SO DELICIOUS! I usually have about 2-3 total TBSPs per day which is a perfect amount for a fat burning eating plan. While it’s really good for you, there’s no need to go overboard.
If you have a hard time finding coconut oil in your local supermarket, I buy mine here:
Now go right ahead and enjoy your coconut oil and reap the fat burning effects right away.
To learn more about Coconut Oil and get started on your own fat loss goals, download your healthy meal plans right away.

The Real Truth behind Organic Foods


Many people are unaware of what organic food really is.  It seems that everywhere we go now, someone is promoting something that is “organic”.  Are these foods worth your time and money?
It almost seems like some people are afraid of organic food. Could this be possible? Are people afraid that eating one morsel of organic food is going to somehow instantly initiate them into the organic food cult where you’re only allowed to wear sandals made from tree bark and deodorant is prohibited?

I swear I have had people say to me “Well, you can’t be that organic because you wear make-up and you don’t smell.”

What? That’s not what organic means at all!  All it means is that the food or the product has been grown the way mother nature intended: without the use of chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. In other words, naturally!
Are some people afraid of the price? Organic does not automatically mean “break the bank”. Many times when I compare the price of the organic food versus the conventional food, they are only a few cents different. In the case of the bag of organic carrots I bought today for my lunch, they were the exact same price as the conventional ones. Imagine that!
If anything about the word “organic” makes you want to jump and run the other way, be sure to read my previous blog post “Is there such a thing as Cheap Organic Food?”
It will help you understand exactly why organic food is all the rave these days and what you can do to make organic living easy, simple and not so scary!
Get started on your own fat loss and health goals right away with these Simple and Easy Healthy Meal Plans.

Is there such a thing as Cheap Organic Food?


Are Organic foods really worth their, sometimes, high prices?  Is there any way to make organic eating affordable?

Many times people’s biggest resistance to buying organic is the higher price.  But there are ways to make organic eating cheaper and much more affordable for you and your family.

What exactly is Organic Food?

Organic food is food grown or raised without the use of synthetic (chemically formulated) pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers. This method of farming allows foods to grown in nature as they were intended. Consider that conventional farmers in the United States spray 2 billion pounds of pesticides a year on crops to compensate for poor farming practices. Do you know where those pesticides end up? In our food supply!

Aside from pesticide contamination, conventional produce tends to have fewer nutrients than organic produce. On average, conventional produce has only 83 percent of the nutrients of organic produce. Studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and significantly less nitrates (a toxin) in organic crops.

When I first discovered that organic foods might be the missing link to my weight loss and health efforts, I had just graduated from college and was living in a miniature apartment in New York City which was quite pricey, that I could barely afford.
How in the world was I going to spend the big bucks on organic food?
Here is how I mastered the art of “going organic on a budget”:
  1. I stopped buying crappy “non foods” (and, yes, crappy is a scientific term). Most protein shakes, “health” bars, and processed foods are actually pretty expensive and when you completely eliminate them from your grocery list, you will save hundreds of dollars. Take a good look at the price of sugar cereals, packaged cookies and cakes, and frozen TV dinners. You will see how the prices of these foods quickly add up. That same amount of money can be better spent on a week’s worth of organic produce.
  2. When I started eating reasonable portions, the food was not that expensive. When I really took a look at how much I was eating and how much I was supposed to be eating, I clearly had mistaken myself for a 200 lb sumo wrestler. I had portion distortion to say the least and eating less meant spending less!
  3. I sought out the local farmer’s markets. The prices were so much better and I always got fresh food in season. And, honestly, if the price of cherries was the equivalent of diamond earrings, I would choose a different fruit. Go for the apples, pears, or bananas. Variety is good anyway so choose the fruits and veggies without the diamond prices.
  4. I transitioned my kitchen and my whole house slowly. I probably did not have a complete organic kitchen until 3 years later. Not the ideal, but I did the best I could. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was my organic palace. Do the best you can, start with a few items and then go from there.
  5. Buy organic foods “selectively”. The following foods have been shown to have the highest levels of pesticide residue, so they should really always be purchased organic:
    1. Peaches
    2. Apples
    3. Strawberries
    4. Nectarines
    5. Pears
    6. Cherries
    7. Red Raspberries
    8. Imported Grapes
    1. Spinach
    2. Bell Peppers
    3. Celery
    4. Potatoes
    5. Hot Peppers
    Animal products
    *Always look for animal products (meats, poultry, and dairy) that have no added antibiotics and growth hormones. Ingesting meats that have been injected with these harmful substances is equivalent to eating the hormones and antibiotics themselves. Very dangerous!
    These foods tend to be lower in pesticide levels so can be purchased conventional if necessary:
    1. Pineapples
    2. Plantains
    3. Mangoes
    4. Bananas
    5. Watermelon
    6. Plums
    7. Kiwi Fruit
    8. Blueberries
    9. Papaya
    10. Grapefruit
    11. Avocado
    1. Cauliflower
    2. Brussels Sprouts
    3. Asparagus
    4. Radishes
    5. Broccoli
    6. Onions
    7. Okra
    8. Cabbage
    9. Eggplant
There’s no material item that comes close to matching “feeling good” about yourself. Take a look at where you’re spending your money now and figure out how to fit organic foods into your budget (even if it’s a slow transition). I promise that if it was doable for me, it’s doable for you too!
Find out how to easily equip your entire kitchen with the best fat burning foods here:  Fat Burning Kitchen.

How to reduce your risk for Heart Disease the Natural Way

Are you one of the millions of people that is suffering from heart disease or even worse?  Have already experienced a heart attack.
These days it’s difficult not to meet someone who is either suffering from heart disease, has had a heart attack or has been told they are at risk for heart disease. It’s just about as common as meeting someone with brown hair. Unfortunately, the media and even many well-meaning doctors are completely misinformed on how to tackle this growing epidemic. It’s the number one killer in the US and plaguing many other countries as well.
What are we to do?
The best plan of attack is to combat the risk factors the best we can.
Use the following 5 tips to get you started on a heart healthy plan:
1. Drop the smokes. Yes, smoking has been shown to be one of the biggest risk factors in heart disease, mainly because of all the toxic chemicals added to cigarettes (not that I’m recommending tobacco or anything.)
2. Walk, walk, walk. If finding time for a structured exercise program is just too much of a challenge right now, just start by walking. I have known many people who have strengthened their heart and reversed severe conditions by getting outside and walking. If you can, find a scenic route. There’s nothing more calming than the outdoors. (I highly recommend whistling and singing while you walk. It makes for happy thoughts.)
3. Calm down. By this I mean, don’t stress about the stuff you don’t have to. This is actually a very funny statement coming from me who used to stress about everything! Deadlines, laundry, work, family… you name it, I stressed about. Not until I realized that this would kill me no matter how healthy my food was did I drop the stress and pick up the laughter. Right now as I write this newsletter, I’ve got more things that need to get done today than are humanly possible. My reaction “Haha..better put my Superwoman shirt on”
4. Do not and I repeat, do not go on a low-fat diet. Your heart condition may get worse in your attempts. Drop the bad fats (like hydrogenated oil and the nasty oil in French fries and donuts) and start eating more healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, salmon, walnuts and whole organic eggs.
5. Do not be afraid to eat saturated fat. If read “The Truth About Saturated Fat” in The Diet Solution Program you know that eating saturated fats is not what is causing people to get heart disease. It is processed foods, sugars and an overabundance of refined carbohydrates that is making this country so sick. The whole saturated fats topic gets me so fired up, I even made a video to further inform you – check it out here:
Learn how to take control of your own healthy by using these Healthy Weight Loss Tips.

To juice or NOT to juice…that is the question.


I’m pretty used to people coming to my home and saying “Wow, this place is so super healthy. I can’t believe it.” As you may or may not know, it does take quite a few people to keep the Diet Solution Program running. I had a bit of a “retreat” at my house where I invited 3 of our employees to come and work from my house and spend some time together. Whenever entertaining guests, I always try and be the “hostess with the mostess” and in my best Martha Stewart impression I asked “Can I get anyone anything? Some food or a drink?”

One of my employees replied, “Yes, I would love some juice please.”
As I did everything in my power to hold back the look of death, I said “We don’t have any juice. How about water or a tea?”

Without going through the entire conversation, this particular employee couldn’t believe there was no juice in the house. Moreover, she absolutely could not believe that my son does not drink juice and only drinks water (and yes, I did let her keep her job).

She has, of course, read and knows the DSP inside and out, but she admitted that she really didn’t believe that I completely lived my life that way until she saw it with her very own eyes.

But back to the juice…
Juice is one of those drinks that many people perceive as healthy, especially when it’s labeled natural or organic and it says it is made from all natural ingredients. Let me clear this up right now…Juice is NOT part of a healthy eating plan unless you are freshly squeezing it right in your kitchen with your own hands or through a juicer.

“But Isabel. My juice says its organic, natural, 100% juice with no sugar added. Is that ok?”
Well, I spent a significant amount of time reading the label of almost every single juice container, juice box, and juice product and they all came up the same…with tons of SUGAR. Read the label clearly and you will see that every gram of carbohydrate contained in the juice directly comes from sugar.

“But Isabel. All the carbs from fruit are from sugar too right?”
Yes, fruits are almost entirely sugar (coming from fructose), but a whole fruit also contains plenty of fiber and vitamins that are lost when you make a juice, bottle it and store it for any amount of time.

“But Isabel. My juice is fortified with calcium, Vit D and iron (or whatever they are fortifying juice with these days).”
When you “fortify” any food or drink with a vitamin and/or a mineral, your body is smart enough to know that this is not the real version of this particular nutrient. So much so, that it will choose not to use it. Yes, all of these fortified products are not giving you the vitamins and minerals you need. You must obtain these from natural sources like real fruits and vegetables (i.e. real food).

So if you’re a juice lover like many people are or have fallen for the “juice is healthy” trap, here are a few strategies to help you get your juice fix while simultaneously following a healthy eating plan.

1. Buy a quality juicer and make your own juice.
There are so many different delicious and nutritious juices you can make in a juicer that will give you a super boost of vitamins/minerals and super nutrition. One of my favorite is carrot, apple and ginger. Be careful though! If you’re anything like me and sensitive to too much sugar at once, I would suggest having a serving of 4 oz or less or mixing your 4 oz with some water. I would also suggest juicing primarily vegetables and not as many fruits. This is a great way to get in some serious nutrition without having to eat vegetables all day long (a great option for children). I would also combine your fresh juice with a protein and healthy fat to keep your blood sugar balanced.

It is best to drink freshly made juice right away, as the longer it is stored, the more it will decline in nutrition. You can put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should be a minimal amount of air in the jar as the oxygen in air (air is about 20 percent oxygen) will “oxidize” and damage the juice. Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.
2. Make my favorite “tea juice“. If you haven’t seen this recipe in the Diet Solution Recipe Guide, here it is again:
5-6 bags caffeine-free herbal tea (e.g., peach, mint, chamomile, or fruit tea)
3 quarts boiling water
Stevia powder (or liquid) to taste
Pour water over tea bags in a large pot. Add stevia while tea is hot. (Adjust amount
according to the desired sweetness.)
Let the tea cool, remove tea bags, transfer tea to a serving pitcher or individual water bottles, and refrigerate.

3. Make your own DSP approved lemonade.
My business partner loves this and drinks it almost daily (be careful if you’re sensitive to citrus or too much lemon.) Mix the juice from half a lemon, 5 drops of liquid stevia and 12oz of water in a large cup. Add more stevia or lemon based on your taste. This drink is a great alternative to people who need a bit more flavor than plain water all day.
So what did I end up serving my thirsty employee? Water! (And she bought juice when we went out to lunch). Oh well, I tried.
So now that I’ve shown you why juice is not good for you and how you can make your own healthy drink alternatives, why not learn more about which foods will cause you to lose fat?
Check out our informative video right now!

My Favorite Ways to Eat Nut Butters



Here are some of my favorite ways to use different nut butters…

1.        Almond Butter with apple sauce with cinnamon sprinkled on top – a great after dinner snack if you’re looking for something sweet.
2.       Almond or Walnut Butter on pretty much any fruit.  My new favorite is almond butter on fresh figs…yummy!
3.       Nut Butter and Apple Butter Sandwich – one of my favorite on-the-go breakfast options.  I use 1-2 tbsp of nut butter and 1 tbsp of apple butter on 2 slices of sprouted grain bread and out the door I go.
4.       Cashew Butter on celery sticks – add a few raisins for a little sweet taste.
5.       Walnut Butter in oatmeal – I mix the walnut butter right into my warm oatmeal.  Sometimes I add 1 tsp of honey as well.
All of these options are a great way to get a ton of healthy fats, especially Omega 3’s, into your daily meal plans.

Have your OWN daily meal plans!

3 Simple, Healthy Meal Plans You Can Start Right Now


Is it possible to put together a simple and healthy meal plan?  One that is not going to be complicated and hard to follow?  Yes.  It is possible and I will show you how.   The healthy meal plans below will help you achieve your health goals while simultaneously shedding fat off your body.

Here are 3 healthy meal plans you can get started on right now.


Protein should be included in every meal throughout the day and breakfast is no exception.  Make sure to include organic eggs, cottage cheese, raw nut butter or smoked fish as one component of your healthy breakfast.  Carbohydrates should also be included in the form of oatmeal, sprouted grain bread, fruit and/or vegetables.
3 great sample breakfasts are:
Oatmeal with almond butter, topped with fresh berries and a bit of Stevia to sweeten.
2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice sprouted grain toast and ½ grapefruit
Smoked salmon over sliced tomato and 1 green apple

  Do more with the Diet Solution Program!

The same rules apply as breakfast.  An easy way to ensure that you always have a healthy protein available for lunch is to pack leftovers from dinner the night before.  Leftover hamburger, chicken legs or wild fish are all great to include in a salad or over vegetables.
3 great sample lunches are:
Baked Tilapia over sautéed spinach, green salad with chick peas (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by  ½ cup of pineapple.
Leftover chicken legs with ½ sweet potato and broccoli.
Lean hamburger over portabella mushroom and brown rice.  Cooked vegetables or a green salad.  1 orange.

 You can find lots of recipes here!

You can really be creative with dinner.  Look for recipes that are quick and easy and modify them with your own healthy ingredients as needed.  Again, always remember to include protein and carbohydrates.
3 great sample dinners are:
Mexican salad: Ground beef over shredded lettuce and tomato, guacamole and brown rice.
Grilled Salmon over asparagus, green salad (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by a  fresh fruit salad.
Buffalo meat balls over rice pasta with sautéed broccoli.


You never want to let your body get too hungry.  Hunger often leads to binge eating of unhealthy food and makes sticking to a healthy eating regimen much more difficult.  It’s important to keep snacks handy so you never experience hunger or a blood sugar low without having a healthy option nearby.
3 great snacks are:
2 Tbsp almond butter on ½ apple
Trail mix made up of walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit (no sugar added)
Cottage cheese and pineapple

Incorporate just a few of these meals into your daily eating regimen and you will see an incredible difference in your weight loss results.  Following simple and healthy meal plans like these is the first step in achieving your health and fitness goals.

To get started right away on your own fat loss goals read the Diet Solution Program!