Monday, December 27, 2010

Does FAT make you FAT?

YES and NO. The right answer to this question is dependent on what type of fat we’re talking about. Certain fats are actually essential for so many important bodily functions, but the wrong kind of fat can lead us down an unhealthy path to weight gain and a long list of diseases.
Also find the right answer with The Diet Solution Program

Fat to Avoid
Hydrogenated Oils
You have probably already heard in the media or just about anywhere that hydrogenated oils are detrimental to your health so to avoid them at all costs. But what exactly are they?
Hydrogenation is a chemical process used to make fat more shelf stable. This hydrogenation method completely alters the liquid oil’s molecular structure so that it no longer resembles a natural fat. Because your body does not recognize the transformed molecule as a natural fat, it cannot process it and treats it as a toxin. This “toxin” has been linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and obesity.
We must read labels! Hydrogenated oil and partially hydrogenated oil can be found in most packaged foods (margarine, crackers, chips, pretzels, cookies, cereal bars, sugar cereals, microwave popcorn, and low-fat and fat-free snacks). There are even many packaged foods advertised as “health foods” that include this toxic ingredient.The Diet Solution Program   will give your much more about health , just read it!

Fats You Must Eat
Your body cannot survive without fat – specifically essential fatty acids. Your brain, hormones, immune system, and digestion are all dependant on this healthy fat (which is why people who go on very extreme low fat diets often suffer many health problems). Learn more with The Diet Solution Program!

Omega 3 Fats

Omega 3 Fats are essential to human health but cannot be produced by the body which is why it is essential that we get these great fats from food. Foods high in Omega 3 fats are leafy green vegetables, flax seeds, salmon, sardines, raw walnuts, organic eggs and grass fed beef.
Extensive research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help prevent risk factors associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. These essential fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be particularly important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include extreme tiredness (fatigue), poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.
 Click here to make your own diet!

Cooking Oil

The only oil that is suitable for high heat cooking (and one of the healthiest oils you can consume) is raw, organic, unrefined coconut oil. Coconut oil has been proven to be one of the healthiest oils available for the human body and increases the body’s metabolic rate (helping in weight loss)

Oils best Raw
Olive oil and flax seed oil are two wonderful oils to use for salad dressing or on cooked or raw veggies. These oils have a lower melting point and are more stable (and healthier) when kept raw.
All you need to know about fat and fat consumption:

1. Avoid all products containing hydrogenated oil and partially hydrogenated oil
2. Consume foods high in Omega 3′s such as salmon, flax seeds, walnuts and organic eggs
3. Cook with Organic, Unrefined Coconut Oil
4. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Flaxseed oil raw for salads and veggies.  Also include avocados as a healthy source of fat into your meal plans.
Remember all fats are not created equal and proper use of the good fats can be a great way to keep you and your family at optimum health!

Please, read my book if you want more information! The Diet Solution Program.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Whole Wheat Bread fattening?

People often think they are doing something healthy for themselves by switching their white bread for whole wheat bread.  Although this is a better option than white, whole wheat bread can still be preventing you from losing your unwanted weight. (Lose weight with The diet solution program!)

I am not a big fan of bread or bread type products. Actually, I think most people could feel a thousand times better if they stopped eating so much bread every single day. Toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, bread basket at dinner…we could feed a small village with the amount of bread I see some people consuming in one day (or several villages depending on who you’re talking about).

No, I am not saying to never have bread ever again (Hey, its life, you gotta enjoy it, right?). What I am saying is that 4-5 servings of some kind of bread type product every day is making thousands of people gain weight, preventing them from losing their unwanted weight and worst of all, bringing about diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease. (Click here to improve your health!)

I don’t eat very much bread at all and I really don’t even miss it. I guess I have just come to enjoy all the other delicious food I eat each day that I don’t even feel bread is missing from my meal plans.

Here are my “bread free” strategies and exactly how you can lower your own bread intake each day:
1. When you think of breakfast, don’t automatically think toast, bagels, or a roll. A couple of hard boiled eggs over sliced tomatoes is delicious. You can also make a quick batch of oatmeal and add walnuts and berries. How about cottage cheese and pineapple? The breakfast options are endless.

2. Pack snack foods and take them with you to work. In less than 2 minutes, I can throw natural peanut butter, raw almonds, dried fruit (no sugar added), an apple or banana and baby carrots all in a bag and be out the door. Taking these food items to work with you will help you stay away from the employee room bagels or donuts. (Don’t even get me started on how evil donuts are). Slap some peanut butter on an apple and munch away at that, all while making fun of the people eating donuts (Just Kidding, that’s not nice.)

3. Don’t depend on sandwiches as lunch every day. How about some salmon, broccoli and brown rice? Leftover chicken from last night and a sweet potato? Imagine that lunch is another version of dinner and not just a mid day sandwich inhaling contest. For more choices, read this book!

4. Make “the bread basket” a once-in-while experience. You really do not need to be serving a bread basket for dinner at home if you are offering healthy carbohydrate choices like salad, cooked vegetables, brown rice, millet, or quinoa.

5. Oh, and how could I forget? Don’t think that eating “100% Whole Wheat” is any better. It is still refined flour (maybe just not bleached) and a huge contributor to weight gain. I could go on and on about this but I have covered all the details about how detrimental wheat products are to your weight loss efforts in Chapter 9 of The Diet Solution Program.

Start to think outside the “bread box” today for healthy alternatives to your daily bread intake. What one thing can you do today to get started?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fast and Easy Fat Loss, How he lost 5 lbs in 5 days.

Fat loss doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.  Just ask my most recent house guest, who easily lost 5 lbs in 5 days after staying with me for just a few days.  Did I torture him with boring food in an effort to lose weight?  No not at all.  I can promise you one thing, I definitely did not starve the guy. We ate some super delicious meals and I made sure to cook him up some of my all time favorites:

Grass Fed Bacon and Scrambled Eggs on Spelt tortillas!

Taco seasoned Buffalo ground beef on lettuce and tomato with shredded, raw cheddar cheese
Isabel’s Special Baked Chicken, garlic broccoli and brown rice flavored with butter.

Even he was shocked when he thought about how hearty and tasty all of our meals were and how he was still able to drop a few pounds during his short stay. Something that doesn’t normally happen on vacation, right?
It really goes to show that the right foods will prove results every single time! Choose right food with The Diet Solution Program!

Even if you feel like you are having a hard time sticking to your meal plans 100%, just make sure that you stick to your recommended foods. That, in itself, is a huge step in the right direction and, like my good friend here, has proved to be just the jumpstart many people have needed.

What are the right foods?
Always think NATURAL. If it was provided by Mother Nature herself, chances are its a great addition to your meal plan: natural meats and poultry, wild fish, raw nuts, fruits and veggies are just a few examples of the incredible fat burning foods Mother Nature has provided. Make these foods the greater percentage of your meal plans and you will be well on your way to losing those unwanted pounds (without having to come sleep over my house ;).

You can find more ways of losing weight with my Diet Solution Programm.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

3 Easy Tips To Lose Fat

Fat loss does not have to be difficult, especially if you have a few tricks up your sleeve.  By this I don’t mean I would ever want you to take a dangerous, radical approach to your fat loss but only one that would be healthy and prove great results at the same time.

I have had many clients, friends and family members ask me, “Isabel, is there a way I can drop my first few pounds of fat quickly and easily?” Yes, there is.  It will require a few dietary changes on your part, but the results are incredible.  I have had hundreds of people use these tips with great success, easily losing their first 10-15lbs of unwanted fat. Also I wrote a book Diet Solution Programm that will provide you more information about losing weight.

Here are my 3 Simple and Easy Fat Loss Rules:

1. Don’t eat anything that is white. Name every single food that is white and chances are you shouldn’t be eating it: bread, pasta, crackers, most cereals, flour based products, white potatoes, white rice, and pasteurized dairy and cheese are all no-no’s during this time.  (Healthy foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish, white pork are all exceptions to this rule). (What else can help you to lose weight? Check it out! )

2. Only drink water, NOTHING else! How about coffee? Just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee. Can you add half and half?…Well is it white?  Drink a minimum of 1/2 of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (ex. If you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces) to really see the fat fall off.

3. Don’t eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredients list. What if it’s whole wheat? Look, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h e a in between, you can’t eat it.  This includes bread, pasta, crackers and cereal.  Many packaged snack foods also contain wheat so be sure to read the ingredients list carefully.

Are you up for this challenge?  Apply these easy fat loss rules to your own eating plan for the next 2 weeks and I know you will be seeing some amazing fat loss results in no time.

You can find more ways of losing weight with my Diet Solution Programm.